Monday 7 August 2017

PGIT WIL Proposal

Proposal Hand-In ⇨ Presentation @ 10 

I'm a remote student living in Gisborne, studying towards Post Grad Diploma in IT which is offered from the Hawke's Bay campus. This semester I'd really like to finish this qualification, so I'm taking on two papers while working full-time. 

Today, a presentation has been scheduled over VC for the WIL (work integrated learning) proposal. It's rare to find me in the lecture theatre on the driving end of a VC, rather I'm usually there as the receiver.  This meant working some magic with the array of remotes available, and that didnt come together in time.  Kim (WIL Course Co-ordinator) and Tom (WIL Supervisor) suggested I present in front of the camera without the use of a visual aid. 
Note to self: schedule a test run prior to doing that task again. 😣

The discussion that followed, helped to put everything into perspective. Kim confirmed my feelings about the amount of work contained in the scope.  Essentially, the outlined research component in it's entirety is actually not feasible within the WIL time constraint. It was agreed that Tom and I would meet to discuss the proposal re-write later in the week when he visits Gisborne.

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